I have an idea for a new genre of questions, code-purchasing questions, and I thought I would run it through meta before giving it a try.
The basic idea is that you have to try to solve a problem, but certain characters cost certain amounts! Here's a quick example:
I could have this table:
| a-z | 10 |
| A-Z | 15 |
| =! | 15 |
| {} | 20 |
| () | 25 |
| [] | 50 |
| +-*/% | 55 |
| "' | 60 |
| ; | 1 |
| other | 80 |
Now lowercase letters cost me 10 points, uppercase cost 15, etc.
I could then limit this challenge to certain languages. Here's a small list off the top of my head:
- C
- C++
- C#
- Java (you get
class A{public static void main(String[]a){}}
for free)
So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Ideas? Waffles?
and letters are the mainly used characters. \$\endgroup\$~
), and multiplication is a comma, etc. \$\endgroup\$