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Questions tagged [characters]

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8 votes
2 answers

Character encoding-based rules with language without encoding

Oftentimes people will ask challenges that have rules hinging on the characters encoded by the source file (see restricted-source). For example, "Your program may not contain the letter ...
feersum's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to score a golflang with a 9-bit character set [duplicate]

So I’ve been thinking about creating a golflang somewhat inspired by Jelly, but I’ve decided for it to be encoded in a 9-bit codepage, so that there are 512 possible characters to use. I can come up ...
Ashtâr B.'s user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Sub-byte character encodings [duplicate]

What do people think about defining the encoding of a character in a given language as taking place in less than a byte? For example, take Brainfuck. Brainfuck has exactly 8 possibilities per ...
isaacg's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Suitable single-byte character encoding for new golfing language [closed]

I am currently trying to create a scripting language which is usable for general purpose tasks but has a high golfing potential due to many short built-in functions, operators, syntax etc. At the ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Is a single Zalgo character considered a single character?

I saw this question recently, and I was wondering the title of my question. Essentially is stuff like this: H̠̹͖ A single character in reference to questions that ...
Addison Crump's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Strike-through previous character counts

I often notice posts which contain strike-through versions of previous character counts, like this: Perl (123 111 chars) I don't see this practice mentioned anywhere in the FAQs, nor here on meta. ...
MvG's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

auto count the number of chars in the code section

will there be for each answer an auto calculation for the "code" section that was marked up by the user like this is a marked up code section and write here ...
none's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

On "interactive" answers and other special conditions

Interactive languages (and related issues) have afflicted me with a bunch of gripes regarding character count and program testing. Clarifying these should help coders in other languages like ...
Jesse Millikan's user avatar
5 votes
10 answers

Methods of counting characters on various systems

Counting characters of a program manually is tedious, and we do this a lot in Code Golf. How do you do a more effective character count using utilities provided by your shell or ide?
moinudin's user avatar
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