I think Truthy/Falsey instead of being language specific is problem (answer) specific. So in a language we can define different truthy/falsey s based on different conditions. For example one can define truthy as 53 and other things regarded as falsey and in the other problem truthy may be defined as an empty list and anything else may be defined as falsey.
In the other word:
An entity (and all other things that are implicitly convertible to value of that entity) can be regarded as truthy and anything else can be regarded as falsey or vice versa. The entity that is regarded as truthy(or falsey) must has only one exactly defined representation.
For example in Octave language one can regard true
as truthy and anything other as falsey. Because all numbers other than 0 are implicitly convertible to true those can be regarded as truthy and 0 can be regarded as falsey. Also arrays that contain 0 such as [7 1 0] are implicitly convertible to false and other arrays are convertible to true.
As an example one can define an empty list {} as falsey and all other things as truthy because an empty list has exactly one representation. Also a list of {1,2,33} can be regarded as truthy/falsey and all other things can be regarded as falsey/truthy since {1,2,33} has an exactly one representation.
But consider a function that sometimes returns a list and sometimes returns a scalar, so one can't regard a list as truthy because a list doesn't have exactly one representation so {1,2,3} and {1,2} are both lists but have different representations.
Also one can't define all even numbers as true and all odds as false except in those languages that evens are implicitly convertible to true.
Some examples:
| Truthy | Falsey |
| 243 | anything else |
| NaN | anything else |
| anything else | 127 |
| [] | anything else |
| anything else | {7,2} |
| "foo" | anything else |
| True | False |
| False | True |