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31 votes

A proposal to combat Meta Bloatâ„¢: The Big Consensus Freeze

I propose that each commonly-used language have a separate explanation of the rules that most pertain to it, with code examples. I think this is more digestible that a big general FAQ, especially to ...
xnor's user avatar
  • 147k
21 votes

Default policy for output in decision problems

Truthy/falsy using your language's convention (swapping allowed), or two distinct values to represent true/false respectively You can choose to output truthy/falsy using your language's convention (...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 78.4k
18 votes

Are bots allowed in The Nineteenth Byte?

Chat bots (that post messages) have no place in TNB. Since TNB is for discussion of code-golf and PPCG related topics, having bots in the room would be distracting and obnoxious, and would overtake ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 59.6k
17 votes

New users' guides to golfing rules in specific languages

Haskell Basic IO In Haskell, a valid answer is usually a function, unless a full program is required by the challenge. Even if a challenge requires you to output an infinite stream of data (like all ...
16 votes

If we find a programming language in the Library of Babel, can we use it?

The language would have been created on the date at which the book was bookmarked for the first time The Library of Babel is basically an encoding scheme: any possible string will exist somewhere in ...
ais523 - high effort answers's user avatar
15 votes

Codegolf rules and boundaries

Answers that use a language (or a feature thereof) that postdates the challenge should be labeled non-competing. From Can I ever answer with a language invented after the challenge was posted?: These ...
Dennis's user avatar
  • 211k
15 votes

What outputs should I allow for decision problems?

One consistent, and one non-consistent The thing I like about Truthy and Falsy is that often you may do things like output 0 for falsy and everything else for ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 100k
14 votes

If your answer is acts differently depending on context, how safe do you have to be?

Our defaults say that submissions have to be full programs or functions. REPL "programs" are also allowed, but they have to be labeled as such, and still have to conform to the defaults regarding ...
Dennis's user avatar
  • 211k
14 votes

Can We Make 0-NAND OR Gates in [logic-gates] Challenges?

It depends on the question. logic-gates is a tag for challenges about logic gates. It doesn't, and shouldn't, come with special rules like this. If the person that poses the challenge wants that to ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 100k
13 votes

New users' guides to golfing rules in specific languages

Python General I/O Your submission should be a program or a function. It should print the output or return it. These example submissions compute the factorial in Python 2: ...
13 votes

Should graphical-output challenges accept straight up image files by default?

The thing is that not all image formats are created equal. Some are just straightforward uncompressed streams of pixels, and there is basically nothing you can do to golf those down. However if your ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 100k
12 votes

If code fails to compile, but runs anyway, does that count as executing without error?

In my opinion, yes. Typically, anything that happens during the compilation stage is ignored. For example, a C/C++ program that produces warnings doesn't make any difference as long the executable ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 59.6k
12 votes

What is the consensus on built ins?

If most languages have a builtin, then the challenge is too simple There are some exceptions, for example I like the existence of the Add Two Numbers challenge as a "language showcase", but ...
Kamil Drakari's user avatar
12 votes

Using resource exhaustion with a semi-deciding algorithm

No, that doesn't satisfy the rules In many code-golf questions there are infinitely many inputs, which may be arbitrarily long. And, unless otherwise stated, your code should be able to handle every ...
12 votes

Functions throwing exceptions: an exception to the rules?

Functions throwing exceptions should be allowed based on this brief chat conversation As long as the exceptions can be caught, this seems like a perfectly legitimate way of producing output or ...
rydwolf's user avatar
  • 18.9k
9 votes

New users' guides to golfing rules in specific languages

JavaScript This answer is highly based on the Python answer, so thanks to @xnor for setting that up. Your submission should be a program or a function. It should print the output or return it. These ...
9 votes

If there is "a winner for every language" in a code golf challenge, does competitiveness matter?

PPCG code-golf should not be considered an individual competition. Because PPCG solutions are publicly displayed, many users peek at solutions by others in their language. Suppose Alice, a Jelly ...
lirtosiast's user avatar
  • 21.5k
9 votes

What is the point of unicode gibberish?

I'm old school. I like bending real multi purpose computer languages like Python, Perl, Ruby... to their knees until the single last useless ascii char in the code is removed. Even languages that are ...
Adám's user avatar
  • 31.1k
9 votes

Built-ins or no built-ins; a dilemma in my question

Disclaimer: I am relatively new to Code Golf, so I definitely cannot speak for the community. Generally forbidding any built-ins is bad practice. For one, it's not clear what built-in functions are ...'s user avatar
8 votes

Requiring non-builtin answers

I don't think we can or should do this The first reason I believe this is because we will never be able to force anyone to write a good answer. By implementing these types of rules we are optimizing ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 100k
8 votes

ASCII Art Output Rules

Allow strings, arrays of strings and 2D arrays of chars. If the question is going to allow much more (e.g. outputting boolean values), pretty much every answer is just gonna use that and the question ...
dzaima's user avatar
  • 20.3k
8 votes

Does a Vim submission have to end in a certain mode?

Vim submissions can be valid in any mode if the output is displayed In Aaron Miller's mentioned answer, the required output is shown in insert mode, and hence it is valid. However, if a change of mode/...
Razetime's user avatar
  • 27.4k
8 votes

What is our consensus on languages which do not halt by design?

Non-halting languages are allowed if their output is provably finite when required to be. If a challenge requires infinite output, non-halting languages are of course allowed. In challenges where ...
thejonymyster's user avatar
8 votes

Built-ins or no built-ins; a dilemma in my question

I'm just gonna briefly challenge the entire premise of the question: regardless of what the answer is, you shouldn't accept any answer, builtin or not. I'll set aside the builtin ban question for the ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar

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